Wednesday, March 15, 2017

“Believe Me When I say the Product that I Received from Working with You Far Exceeds the Cash Value”

Below is a note from one of Dr. Oshidar’s current clients:


I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of your effort. We began working together in mid-January 2017. In the short time you have been mentoring/consulting me, I have achieved the following:

•    Formulated a clear vision of the type of life and practice I want to establish and put it in writing in the form of a vision board with timelines and quantifiable goals
•    Learned  the basics of how to interpret Profit and loss statement
•    Become more aware of my personal and business accountability and put all of my debits on paper and calculated a quantifiable numerical value  
•    Constructed Initiated a retirement savings in the form of whole life policy
•    Designed a standardized protocol for hiring new employees and hired a new front desk person
•    Established a staff development timeline for my assistant. We meet 1-2 Fridays per month and I train her on topics she is interested in learning more about. She has also enrolled in program to attain her CDA license.
•    Implemented staff meeting
•    Set aside time on Tuesday mornings to work on my practice ….
•    Ordered a chair dental unit and nitrous oxide system to set up a fourth operatory (This should be completed by April 2017.)
•    Initiated updating my website
•    I have and continue to  read books you suggest

Working with you has been above and beyond the best process I have ever implemented for my business and my life.

I respect you greatly Jamie, for your clinical skill set as a practitioner, your innovative, leadership ability, and your dedication to your family and yourself.

I know that I have a long way to go, but for the first time I feel equipped and capable of making the transformation with your help.

Thank You,
Anthony Zamarra D.M.D.

Dr. Oshidar works with doctors across the country to teach them how to be better business owners as well as better dentists. He does not believe in a cookie cutter approach to consulting. Because every office and doctor has different requirements, he creates an individualized plan for everyone he works with and customizes it to his or her needs. Learn more on our Website or call us at 908-801-5117.